Marine Corps 17.75K Access Granted

Weekly Workout Roundup – April 7 – 13

This week my shins started giving me some trouble again. I backed off on my running and kept it limited to the treadmill. They felt alright during Saturday’s race, but they have been pretty sore since (especially my left shin). So I’m planning to take at least the next four days off of running and stick to cross training to try and get them feeling better.

Monday- XT: Jillian Michaels Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism DVD. I was feeling really low on energy for some reason, and this workout was a struggle for me. I knew I was in trouble when my heart rate was through the roof and I was breathing like I was running a 5K after the second circuit (with five more to go). But I got through it.

Tuesday- AM 3 mile run with ‘Sven’ while watching Believe. I ended up deciding to make this into a progression run after the first mile, and my splits were: 10:12 / 9:19 / 9:09.

Wednesday- Easy 4 miles on the treadmill in the afternoon. I wasn’t feeling motivated to run outside, plus I had two episodes of Jeopardy to watch. ๐Ÿ™‚

Thursday- 2 mile run with Sven. My shins were being bothersome, so I kept it short and did a bunch of stretching afterward to prepare for Saturday’s race.

Friday- Rest.

Saturday- Marine Corps 17.75K race (11.03 miles). Access granted to the Marine Corps Marathon this fall! Full race report coming at you tomorrow morning (as long as I get around to writing it tonight…).

Marine Corps 17.75K Access Granted

In the afternoon I went to D.C. with my dad, his friend, and my little sister and her boyfriend. We ended up walking aboutย 4 miles while looking at the cherry blossoms. So pretty!

Cherry Blossoms DC

Sunday- 4.5 mile walk around Burke Lake Park with my dad and sister.

Burke Lake Park

Total Miles: 20 miles (running), 8.5 miles (walking)


Don’t forget to enter my Spartan Race giveaway! The giveaway will remain open until Thursday, April 17 at 11:59 PM EST.

2 thoughts on “Weekly Workout Roundup – April 7 – 13”

  1. I can’t believe you walked 4 miles after an (almost) half marathon! Sorry about your shins. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Why haven’t I thought of watching Jeopardy while on the treadmill? I love that show but never am home to see it. I need to start recording it!

    1. I did a lot of walking last weekend. I didn’t want to miss out on the Cherry Blossom peak, though! Have you tried watching Jeopardy, yet? It comes on at 7:30 PM for us, so I’m usually home, but I prefer to record it so I can skip the commercials.

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