Weekly Workout Roundup – Mar. 31 – Apr. 6

I feel like I had a light week this past week, due to taking two rest days. But looking at it as a whole, I feel like it was actually a pretty solid week for me.

Monday- 30 Day Shred, Level 1 workout. You want to know how to make crunches more difficult? Laugh while you do them. I was laughing because Hank decided he needed to stand over top of me and stare down at me during every ab sequence.

Hank Collage

If you want to increase the difficulty of your core workouts, just let me know and I’ll send Hank your way.

Tuesday- 3 mile run on the roads around our house. I know I’ve been complaining about the never-ending winter, but it was seriously hot outside during this run. We went from below freezing, windy, and rain/snow over the weekend to 80 degrees. Seriously.


I said hello to some heifers along the way. They agreed that it was ridiculously hot.


Wednesday- Rest day.

Thursday- 6 mile run at the New River Trail. It was still pretty hot outside (around 75), but they had been calling for storms all day and those held off until around 10PM. It was crazy windy at times during my run, though.


One downside of the run was that I found they had raised the parking rates at the NRT parking lot. Boo. Usually I start my runs at the Dora Trail (which is 2.5 miles and connects to the NRT), which has free parking. The New River Trail charges because it is a state park.

Weekday parking doubled to $4 and weekend parking increased from $3 to $5

Friday- Rest day (shins were bothering me).

Saturday- 5 mile run with Sven. I had planned on doing a trail run, but ended up on the treadmill since my shins were still a bit bothersome. They didn’t hurt at all while I was running, but I thought the extra cushion would be good. Plus I got to watch Sweet Home Alabama. Gotta love the bloodhound in that movie. 🙂


Saturday evening is when the shenanigans began. I met a group of friends in Blacksburg (aka my old Virginia Tech stomping grounds) to celebrate my best friend, Laura’s, birthday. I stayed out way too late, but had a lot of fun.


Sunday- Met up early with Kim for an 8 mile run on the New River Trail. After Saturday night I was not feeling my best, but I was more tired than anything else. Kim has a 4 month old baby, so she is not the one to complain to about being tired (especially from my own doing). But it was a really nice day outside- cold at the start, but warming up to the low 40’s which is my favorite running temperature.


Everything is starting to be green again! Plus we ran into an old friend on the trail (who turned out to be a she, and not a he like I previously thought). She is very playful and friendly, and ran alongside us, behind us, and dodged us for about two tenths of a mile.

PicMonkey Collage4614I’m thinking she’s probably a Beagle/Basset Hound mix. Any thoughts? If we see her again, I’m going to have to name her! I’m leaning towards Delilah, but I’ll have to get Kim’s input…

Total Miles: 22 miles
March Total: 100.71 miles
(I met my goal by a mere 0.71 miles)

6 thoughts on “Weekly Workout Roundup – Mar. 31 – Apr. 6”

  1. AWE, she is a cutie! Does she appear to have a home? I hope so! Glad you got to party with your friends back in Blacksburg.

    1. She does seem to have a home! The other times I have seen her, she always comes from the same nearby house, whose yard borders the trail. No collar, though.

  2. I’m dying laughing at the pics of Hank, especially the 2nd one! Goofball!! Glad you had a fun night out w/ friends and could still pull off a good workout the next day! And the weather, yikes. How come it always goes from COLD to HOT with no in between to enjoy? Geesh. RUDE!

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