Bloodhound puppy Bloodhound dog Hank

Happy 4th Birthday, Hank!

My weekly workout round up is coming tomorrow, because I have something more important for today.

Today Hank turns 4 years old! I cannot believe we have had him that long. We got him on July 4, 2010 when he was just a 7 week old puppy. He was 19 pounds, which is actually kind of big in general for a puppy, but was tiny compared to the 125 pounds of dog he is today. (Barry had no idea how big he was going to get, but I knew 🙂 )

Bloodhound puppy Bloodhound dog Hank

Hank had a big third year. He went camping approximately seven times, where he did basically the same thing each time.

Bloodhound sleeping

He also got skunked…. twice.

Bloodhound Dog Bath

Hank experienced his first loss, when we had to say goodbye to Toby. Toby was Hank’s first buddy.

PicMonkey CollageHankBday7

He helped raise chicks, keeping a close eye on them in their brooding box in the garage and helping to build their coop.

Bloodhound Chickens

Once they moved outside, he plotted how to get up close and personal with them again. He finally got into the chicken coop. Luckily no chickens were harmed.

Bloodhound Chickens Chicken Coop

Hank found a buddy (Nana) to hang out with on the couch at Thanksgiving.

Bloodhound Dog

He also demonstrated his ability to scratch his chin like a cow. He’s pretty sure he actually is a cow and not a dog.


Hank encouraged me while I did sit up’s and other various ab/core moves by standing over me and breathing heavily. When he wasn’t enthusiastically standing over me, he was sleeping because apparently watching someone else work out is really tough.

PicMonkey CollageHankBday3

Hank played in the snow numerous times. Our first snow was mid-October 2013 and the last snow of this winter was mid-April 2014.

Bloodhounds Snow

He visited Santa Clause for the third time.

Dogs visit Santa Clause

He attempted to reassert himself as the dominant dog in the house, but Scout held on to that role.

Bloodhound Dogs

Hank rode around in the truck, one of his most favorite things to do. He also went on walks in the woods, another one of this favorite things.

Bloodhound Dogs

He committed murder of a duck, but luckily they don’t put dogs in jail for killing innocent stuffed dog toys.

Bloodhound Dog stuffed dog toy

He cheered on the Hokies, even though we had a rough football season.


He took a vacation at Myrtle Beach and played in the ocean.

Bloodhound play in ocean

He also played in a flood, when excessive amounts of rain created a river through our backyard.

Bloodhound Dog

He got tied up in a barbed wire fence after going under both our chain link fence and the barbed wire fence into the cattle field, and then trying to get back.

Finally, he attempted to set a world record for most naps in a calendar year. Unfortunately, he fell a bit short. But he plans to make another attempt at the record this year.

Bloodhound nap collage

After all the things he did during year 3, I cannot wait to see what he gets into this year. I’m hoping for some more camping trips, another family beach vacation, and hopefully no more skunks!

If you have pets, do you have a ridiculous number of pictures of them?
I realized I did when I put this post together.

15 thoughts on “Happy 4th Birthday, Hank!”

  1. Happy Birthday, Hank! I was so happy that he didn’t hurt the chickens. I’ll forgive him for the duck 🙂
    Yup. Embarrassing number of cat pics on my phone.

  2. Happy birthday, big boy hank! Seriously, I had no idea how big he was; 125 is no doggie joke! Great pictures and here’s to many more productive years, H-dog!

  3. So I ask, who else has 4year old 125 pound grand kids?

    What great fun, and I can’t believe he is already 4.

    Happy birthday Hank!


  4. Happy Birthday Hank!! I love that picture of Scout sitting on him and he’s looking into the camera like “seriously”? I have wayyyy too many pictures of my pups but I can’t help it – they’re so cute!

    1. Thanks, Becky! That is one of my favorite pictures, too. It’s funny how many pictures of our dogs we end up with on our phones!

  5. Awww, happy birthday Hank! I did not realize how big he really is until looking at that pic of him “standing” by you. I loved looking through all of his pics. He’s such a funny dog! I love his personality.

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