Claytor Lake State Park Poplar Leaf Trail

Weekly Workout Roundup – May 12 – 18

This week started off a little slow, but I ended up having a pretty good week of training. There was lots of running on trails, which is good since I was hoping to make this week a “peak week” of sorts (although I’m not following any training plan) for Conquer the Cove on June 1.

Monday- Cross training day. I did a 30 Day Shred level 3 workout in the evening after work.

Tuesday- Rest day. For some unknown reason, I was exhausted when I got home from work so I ended up taking a rest day.

Wednesday- 7 mile trail run at Claytor Lake State Park. I had a few firsts during this run: the first time I got lost on trails, and the first time I ran further than planned. I guess the two kind of go hand in hand. I didn’t so much get lost, as I missed my turn… twice. I was planning on 4-6 miles, leaning towards the lower end of that, but ended up with seven. So be it.

Claytor Lake State Park Poplar Leaf Trail

I also managed to run the entire 7 miles without taking any walk breaks, which is another first for me on trails. My pace was about 30 seconds per mile slower than the last time I ran here while taking walk breaks on some of the hills, but it was also hotter today (82 degrees). The only downside was running out of water during the last mile.

Thursday- 3 mile trail run at Randolph Park. My legs felt super tired, so this run still felt pretty tough even though it was shorter and Randolph Park isn’t as hilly.

Randolph Park

It had rained heavily on and off throughout the day and the sky was looking ominous during my run. Just as I made it back to the truck the heavens opened up on me. I was only out in the rain for about a minute, but it was enough to soak me to the bone.

Storm Clouds

Friday- Cross training. AM 30 Day Shred level 3 workout. I was really sleepy during this workout. During the first circuit, you spend about a minute doing ‘superman’ (where you’re on your stomach, and lift your arms and legs simultaneously for a few seconds at a time). I was very close to putting my head down on my yoga mat and just going back to sleep, but I didn’t. ๐Ÿ™‚

Saturday- 13.2 mile long run on trails at Pandapas Pond, including two climbs up Brush Mountain. Full recap coming later this week.

Snake Root Trail Poverty Creek Trail System Pandapas Pond

Sunday- 4 miles with Kim on the Dora Trail. It was another unusually cool day for mid-May, and Kim and I both knew to enjoy it while it’s here.

Dora Trail Pulaski

Before we know it, we’ll be thrust into the heat and humidity of summer. My legs felt like lead after Saturday’s run, and it felt like a very long 4 miles. But I know it did me good to get moving.

Total Miles: 27 miles

8 thoughts on “Weekly Workout Roundup – May 12 – 18”

  1. And all along I thought your 13.2 was a race, as I sat on the beach enjoying a warm day and a good book.

    Great week.


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