Huckleberry Trail Blacksburg

Weekly Workout Roundup – June 23 – 29

This week was the first official week of Marine Corps Marathon training! I guess I should start titling these weekly workout roundups “Marine Corps Marathon Training – Week 1,” so on and so forth. I’ll start doing that next week. I didn’t exactly follow the training plan to a ‘T’ but that’s okay. Sometime in the near future I’ll address that in more detail.

Monday- Cross training. Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, level 1 workout.

Tuesday- Rest. I had a 14 hour workday, including 8 hours of driving, and a workout just wasn’t going to happen.

Wednesday- Rest day. This was an unplanned rest day, because I was worn out from my long day on Tuesday.

Thursday- 3 mile run with Sven (the treadmill) in the morning while watching recorded episodes of Jeopardy. This was officially my first day of Marine Corps Marathon training, and also my fourth wedding anniversary!

Friday- My friend Jackie was in town and wanted to meet up in the morning for a run. We ran 5 miles on the Huckleberry Trail. It was fun, because it was her first time running on that trail and we had never run together before.

Huckleberry Trail Blacksburg

Saturday- 9 mile trail run at Hungry Mother State Park with Deb! We met up for a run together since she was down in my neck of the woods (and her old stomping grounds) for the weekend. We had great weather, although it was a bit muggy. Full recap later this week!

Hungry Mother State Park

Sunday- 4 mile run with Kim in the morning. It was a rainy day in the low-60’s and I actually ran in a long sleeve shirt. Due to the chilly, rainy day it was pretty deserted in town. I snapped this picture as I drove to meet Kim (and inevitably got stopped at one of three traffic lights downtown….)


It was kind of refreshing to run in the rain, compared to the heat and humidity. Our 4 mile run felt like a long 4 miles, though, because my legs were pretty tired from the day before.

Dora Trail Pulaski

Total Miles: 21 miles
June Total: 81 miles
(Today is a rest day, so I went on and totaled my June mileage. Lower mileage month, but it’ll only be going up from here)

9 thoughts on “Weekly Workout Roundup – June 23 – 29”

  1. Hey 81 miles is still a pretty good month. Do you track elevation gain?? Wonder what your monthly was?? I like flexibility in my schedule, if I have a tough work day and don’t want to work out, take a rest day. Awesome that Sven kicked off your training, just love that name lol. Can’t wait to read about Saturdays run and blogger meetup with Deb. I can’t wait until I can run through some rain, it will be a nice change from dry heat.

    1. Hmmm no I didn’t track elevation gain. That would definitely be interesting to look at, since I did a lot of trail and mountain running this past month.

    2. You got me curious ๐Ÿ™‚ I just tallied it up on Garmin Connect, and according to it I had an elevation gain of 6,755 feet for the month of June.

  2. It was great seeing you again and getting to run together on Saturday! Can’t wait to read your recap! Are you planning to post the elevation chart? If so, I might grab it and edit it back into my recap (if it’s okay with you).

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