Myrtle Beach Beach Running

Marine Corps Marathon Training – Week 8

Half of my training this week took place at the beach, as we neared the end of our vacation. The other half took place at home, after we got back on Thursday afternoon. Today I am back to work after a full two weeks off. Tough stuff, but that’s life.

Myrtle Beach Travel Park
Pretty sunset behind our campsite on our last night

Monday- 6 mile easy run. I kept thinking I had an easy 4 miler scheduled up until Sunday night when I checked my training schedule before going to bed. Even though it was only two miles further, it was a bit of a blow. My legs were very, very tired during this run. My calves were also so sore that I actually stopped two different times just to stretch them. It was a lot hotter than it had been on my previous vacation runs, and the humidity continued to hover around 90%.

Myrtle Beach

Tuesday- 6 x 800m track workout with 400m recoveries for 7 miles total. This workout was really tough. My legs were tired from the very first 800m interval and I really had to focus. I actually thought about nothing but running during this workout and focused on breaking each 800m down into 200m increments and watching my splits. My goal was 4:30 and my splits were: 4:19 / 4:31 / 4:27 / 4:29 / 4:26 / 4:25.

Myrtle Beach High School Track

It was a beast of a day to be out running around the track. The temperature was 90 degrees with 82% humidity. That definitely made this workout even more challenging.

Wednesday- Rest.

Thursday- 5 mile tempo run with 1 mile warm up and cool down. Once again, I ran a bit fast for my tempo pace. I’m supposed to run 10:18/mile (marathon pace), but I ended up averaging 10:12/mile. I’m still working on internalizing that marathon pace, which is the point of the tempo runs.

Myrtle Beach Travel Park

Since this was our last day at the beach (we drove home shortly after my run), I felt it only fitting to do my cool down mile on the beach. This was the only time I ran on the beach, as I don’t like it that much. It was nice for a mile, though, and nice way to say goodbye to the beach. ๐Ÿ™‚

Myrtle Beach Beach Running

Friday- Easy 5 mile run on the Dora Trail. For some silly reason I waited until 5 PM to run, and it was 85 degrees outside. I guess I just wanted to feel like I was still at the beach ๐Ÿ™‚ Once again, my calves were really bothering me, so I spent some quality time with my foam roller when I got home.

Dora Trail Pulaski

I met this cute little guy during my run on the trial. He looked like a Beagle mix, and appeared to be in his senior years. He had one blue eye and one brown, which was neat because I grew up with Australian Shepherds which often have eyes like that.


Saturday- Easy 6 mile run with Kim in the morning on the Dora and New River Trails. It was in the low 50’s when I woke up and I was actually cold after being in the humid weather at the beach for a week and a half! It warmed up to the mid-50’s during our run, which was really enjoyable.

Dora Trail Pulaski

My legs felt a bit better during this run, so I spent more time with my foam roller when I got home. I think it definitely helped on Friday.

I got really tired on Friday evening. I think my late nights and early mornings from vacation caught up with me. So I was in bed by 9:00 PM and didn’t get up until 7:30 AM on Sunday.

Sunday- 10 mile long run on the Dora and New River Trails. I had a really tough time the first half of this run, and averaged about 10 seconds slower than what my long run pace is supposed to be. But during the last 2.5 miles of the first half I was running on a gradual uphill. Once I turned around I started to feel better.

New River State Park Trail
Running under Interstate 81

My pace picked back up during the second run, despite my legs feeling really tired. But then again I was at the end of a 41 mile week, which is a lot for me, so duh my legs felt tired. It was nice and cool out, at least, and Barry was out biking the trail and rode alongside me for a bit.

New River State Park Trail

During the last 3 miles of my run it felt like my hydration pack was rubbing my right shoulder blade. By the end of the run I had a big chafe mark on my back, about 5 inches long and 1 1/2 inches wide. I can assure you my shower after my run was not pleasant. Ouch! I’ve run in a tank top with my hydration pack several times and this is the first time it has ever chaffed me. I think it’s because the straps had gotten a bit loose and the pack was moving around a little bit.

Overall, I ended up averaging two seconds per mile below my goal pace for long runs. I met my goal, but the run felt like nothing but a struggle the whole way.

Total Miles: 41 miles

10 thoughts on “Marine Corps Marathon Training – Week 8”

  1. Another stellar week! Pretty awesome especially given that you were on vacation. I remember being kind of obsessive about staying exactly at the pace the Hansons told me (so, like, two seconds per mile was a big deal to me), but it’s really not a big deal. The most important thing is keeping your runs slow enough!

    Wow, look at me trying to sound like a coach or something. Sorry about that! It’s totally not my intention to be lecture-y.

    1. Glad to have some reassurance ๐Ÿ™‚ Don’t worry about sounding like a coach… I like hearing/reading your input! It keeps me from freaking out about all the little things during training.

  2. Haha I always love your dad’s comments ๐Ÿ™‚ Sounds like training is going well! Sorry about the chaffing – I hate when it just happens! I’m think I might do the marine corps marathon next year as my first full! And do the 17.75 like you did to get in, we’ll see!!

    1. That would be so exciting if you decide to do MCM!! The 17.75K was definitely a great way to go. But you have to be stalking the internet the second registration opens to grab a spot – it sold out in 9 minutes this year. My advice: set up an account with their registration system in advance. It’ll save you time and additional steps.

  3. Bummer about the chafing! You think you were sweating more because of the humidity? I always chafe more easily when it’s humid. You are doing so great working through the heat. I can’t even imagine running in daylight when it’s 90!

    1. It definitely could have been from more sweating, but I think it was also because the straps on my pack had gotten a bit loose so it was moving around a bit. I’m glad we are finally headed into fall! Hopefully it won’t be a humid September.

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