Runners Tell All: 2014 Reflections & 2015 Goals

This is the final Runners Tell All link-up of 2014! Where has the year gone? First off, I want to thank Beka @Sunshine to the Square Inch and Amanda @The Lady Okie for hosting this great monthly link-up this year. I have really enjoyed participating in it, and reading other’s thoughts on each month’s topic. It has led me to some new blogs which I now enjoy reading on a regular basis. It has also given me the opportunity to pause and reflect on various moments throughout my running career. Which brings me to this month’s topic: 2014 reflections and 2015 goals.

2014 reflections: All the miles.

I dubbed 2014 as my “race palooza” year. I decided I just wanted to run any and all races that were within a reasonable distance from where we live, so I did. My other goal was to establish a decent endurance base, to where I could run a half marathon any time I wanted. I guess that worked out, since I ended up “hopping” into six half marathons this year without specifically training for any of them. In total, I ran 18 races, which is the most I’ve ever run in a year.

2014 races

Oh yes, I made a graph. The miscellaneous category includes a 17.75K race, a 25K trail race, an obstacle race, and an overnight relay.

This year was a pretty big year for me, running-wise. I have run more miles this year than I ever have before in a single year, thanks in part to the Hansons marathon training plan (seriously, these guys should be paying me at this point…). The year isn’t over, yet, but so far I have logged 1,129 miles.

The desire to run my second full marathon topped my race wish list for “race palooza.” I wanted to run a big race, and I did so by running the Marine Corps Marathon in October. Despite not meeting my A, B, or C goals I still had an amazing experience. I hadn’t ever run such a large race like that, and it truly was awesome. Even more so since it was put on by the Marines and there were thousands of service men and women out there on the course cheering us on. They even said thank you to us at the finish line, for running their race. All I could think was “no, thank you for what you do every day.”

2014 Marine Corps Marathon

2015 goals: More trails!!


I did a little exploring on trails at the end of 2013 and the beginning of 2014. I also ran three trail races. Honestly, after my experience at my very first trail race, it’s a wonder I signed up for another one. It had a really cool name, just not ideal conditions for your first trail race.


But I did sign up for more trail races, and I had an amazing experience at the next two. My second and third trail races were the final two races in a series called the Roanoke Non-Ultra Trail Series, put on by Mountain Junkies LLC.


In fact, I had so much fun that I signed up for the series in 2015. The series kicks off with the Frozen Toe 10K on January 10 and culminates with the Conquer the Cove 25K (25K for me, there’s also a full marathon option) on May 31.

From last year's Conquer the Cove. Guess which way we went.
From last year’s Conquer the Cove. Guess which way we went!

In total, I’ll be running five trail races between January and May! In fact, the only road race on my schedule right now is the Blue Ridge Half Marathon. But let’s face it – despite that race being run entirely on pavement, it’s more like a trail race than a road race. That’s why they call it ‘America’s Toughest Road Half Marathon.’

I can hear the trails and mountains calling my name, and I can’t wait to answer their call!


This is a monthly link-up for runners that poses a different topic each month (that I hope may take place again in 2015!). If you missed last month’s post, you can find that HERE. This link-up is hosted by Amanda @The Lady Okie and Beka @Sunshine to the Square Inch. Click the icon below to get all of the details about these monthly link-up’s.


14 thoughts on “Runners Tell All: 2014 Reflections & 2015 Goals”

  1. Love the graph – I do the same thing 🙂 You had a great year and congrats on the marathon! I have trail running on my 2015 list, so I look fwd to reading your old trail recaps. Happy holidays!

  2. WOW. That is a huge running year! I’m pretty impressed! Good luck with your running goals for 2015! I’ve heard that once you try trail running, it’s hard to go back to regular street running. 🙂

  3. Your first trail running picture is so pretty and so green! (I miss warm weather.) You had an amazing running year! 18 races is awesome, and I’m super impressed that your mileage for the year was high enough that you were able to jump into 6 half marathons without really training. Cheers to a year full of great running in 2015!

  4. DUDE. Big year for running! I think having a half marathon base is an excellent thing, because then you’re pretty much in shape for anything! I really wish oklahoma had more trails closer, but I do enjoy trail running when I can. It’s tough! Thanks for being such a huge supporter of our linkup this year! Here’s to 2015!

    1. Unfortunately I think I’ve lost that base. Need to get it back in 2015! Trail running is definitely tough, but I think it makes you a lot stronger and more versatile as a runner.

  5. Cool graph! I love reading through all of your successfully met goals. You definitely had an amazing year! The race series you signed up for sounds really awesome!

  6. Yay for your Race Palooza year! It sounds like you met most of your goals, and I’m glad that we got to run together a couple of times/spend a weekend together in a van. 🙂

    I’m hoping for more trail races in 2015, too. Right now, I’m battling a little calf/sciatic nerve problem so I’m not running. I’m hoping to head out this week to see how if does… I still haven’t decided whether or not to run in the New Year’s Day 5K on my favorite course, but I probably won’t. I’m glad now that I didn’t sign up for it in advance.

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