The end of the holidays

**The answers to Monday’s game are at the bottom of this post. Be sure to check out Monday’s post before reading this one, if you want to play along!

Happy New Year’s Eve! I hope that everyone has a safe and happy New Year’s. Barry and I are planning on having a quiet, low key New Year’s at home since he is working today and tomorrow. Just as well after all of the traveling we have been doing lately.

Last night we got home from my Dad’s house. We spent the weekend and the first part of the week there celebrating Christmas #3 with my side of the family. We enjoyed lots of time with family, good food, some nice gifts, and an all around fun time. While we were up that way, I took a trip to the dentist (who happens to be my uncle) and had my first-ever cavity. That part was not so much fun. But I survived.

Christmas Bloodhound
Scout was really into Christmas #3.

With today being New Year’s Eve, I am reflecting on the past year as a whole, as well as the past year in running. Recently, Jan posted a really neat graphic recapping her 2014 racing. I thought it was really cool and decided to join in, too. Mine’s not as cool as hers, though.

racing in 2014

I have five more days off of work (including Saturday and Sunday) so I’m planning to soak up the last of my freedom. My main goal is to get outside and run, and especially put in some time on the trails. My workout schedule got really out of whack during the busy holidays, but it’s time to get back on track. My first race in the trail series I signed up for is on January 10. That seems far away, but it’s actually next weekend. Oh boy! I’m probably going to pay dearly for my lack of running lately, but between now and then I plan to get in as much running as I can so that the race isn’t a total bust.

Have you ever had a cavity?
What are your New Year’s plans?
Do you have any resolutions for 2015?

*Monday’s answers: 1. A Christmas Story; 2. The Santa Clause; 3. National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation; 4. Elf; 5. Home Alone; 6. Christmas With The Kranks; 7. Four Christmases

13 thoughts on “The end of the holidays”

  1. For New Years, a thick steak and a good bottle of red. Some bubbly at midnight toasting in another great year.

    I hope this finds everyone well, and my wishes are for a happy, safe and prosperous New Year to ya’ll in 2015.


  2. That graphic is awesome, I’m probably going to blogger steal that lol. Yeah I’ve had a cavity, no fun at all. New year’s plans are home with the kids to watch the new York ball drop, then bed by real resolutions, just some running goals.

    Damn I was way off on six and seven lol.

  3. I’m with Barry. Had to work yesterday and today. So I was in bed long before midnight ๐Ÿ™‚
    Very cool graphic! I try to avoid thinking about what I spend on races.
    I’ve never had a cavity. I’m scared to say that, though. Don’t want to jinx it.
    One of my goals for 2015 is to run more races.

    1. Bummer that you had to work, too. New Years isn’t as big a deal to me for some reason, though. I stay up until midnight to watch the ball just because I can. I hope you knocked on wood after you said that! Can’t wait to see what races you have in store for 2015.

  4. I haven’t had a cavity yet…good genetics not good habits. I’m sure any day I’m due for one w/ all the candy I eat!

    Your graphic is awesome and your mileage/racing is even more awesome! GREAT JOB! Enjoy your last few days off work! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I need some of those genetics! I don’t want to go through that again, hah!

      Thanks for the compliment on my graphic ๐Ÿ™‚ It was kind of tough putting that thing together – and the total money spent on race entries really shocked me. But the average per race isn’t so bad and hey there are worse things to spend your money on! Out of curiosity – what program did you use to create your racing in 2014 graphic?

  5. I like that graphic, too! Maybe I’ll take a pic and steal it next year ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Congrats on a great year… when you are every in AZ head up to Flag so we can run on the trails together! ๐Ÿ™‚ Either that or let me know so I can come down and we can run the trails down there ๐Ÿ™‚
    Yes, I’ve had a cavity (or two) but all-in-all I’ve had good luck with my teeth (phew).

    1. You’re more than welcome to it – just know that it wasn’t my original idea! ๐Ÿ™‚ I hope that we eventually end up on the same side of the continent so we can go for a run together! I’d still love to see Buffalo Park sometime!

  6. Love your graphic, and the idea of analyzing your races for the year! I especially love the cost per mile! I might have to steal this idea for a post in late December. If I get started now, I might have my graphic finished by then!

    Happy New Year!

    1. Sounds like a plan! The overall amount spent on races was a bit staggering to me. But then I considered both the number of races and the fact that there are worse things I could be spending my money on. At least this type of spending is a way of investing in my health.

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