Claytor Lake State Park

Getting back to it

So far I have been using my last days off of work wisely, which means getting lots of things done around the house (which is not so fun) and getting some running done (which has been fun and challenging). As for the latter, it feels pretty good to be back in my running shoes – specifically my trail shoes.

Trail Shoes Trail Running Shoes

On Wednesday afternoon (New Years Eve) I made my way over to Claytor Lake State Park and completed my final run of 2014. I ran 4 miles on trails, which was refreshing but also pretty tough. It was a really crisp day, with the temperature hovering just below freezing. My legs actually felt pretty good, but my lungs were having a tough time. It just felt like I couldn’t get a deep breath in, and by the end of the run I was coughing a lot and wheezing both when I breathed in and when I breathed out. I think it’s mostly a combination of being out of shape and the cold air.

Claytor Lake State Park

Nevertheless, the trails were beautiful as always.

Claytor Lake State Park

Yesterday afternoon (New Year’s Day) I met up with Kim to ring in the New Year with a run on the Dora Trail. Technically this does count as trail running, since the trail is crushed gravel after the first 0.8 miles. Probably not the type of trails I’ll see during the RNUTS series, but miles are miles and I need all the miles I can get. We ran a total of 5 miles and it felt good.

New River Trail State Park

I’ve got plans to meet up with Kim again today for a short run. This weekend, Barry and I have plans to do a longer mountain-y trail run. It’s been quite awhile since I’ve tackled elevation like that. I know it will be tough, but I’m also really looking forward to it! I hope everyone had a great New Year’s and that 2015 is off to a good start.

How is 2015 going so far for you?

6 thoughts on “Getting back to it”

  1. I’m happy for you that your 5 miler was better than your NYE run. Sometimes we just need a day to warm up when we’re getting back to it. I had a good week of running except that my 10 miler felt harder than my 17 miler!

    1. Yesterday’s run felt good, too. I know they won’t all feel good, but it is nice to start to feel like normal again. Isn’t it funny how sometimes a shorter run, that’s meant to be ‘easy,’ ends up feeling harder?

  2. Hopefully the feeling in your lungs was a good one once you got past the coughing part. I love when a workout really makes my lungs burn… your fitness level for trails will come back quickly, I’m sure!

    1. Unfortunately it was not the good kind of burn you get after a challenging workout. It was the “we’re out of shape and were sick for 3 weeks” kind of burn. But my lungs have been feeling better on each subsequent run, so that’s good! But I agree with you – I love a good leg and lung burning workout! Although sometimes, I only like it after it’s done. 🙂

  3. Hope you’re having better weather for your long run than I am. Mid 30’s and sleet. I’m heading out, but not making any promises 🙂

    1. You beat me on the weather front, but we didn’t have it much better. It was in the mid-30’s and raining at the start of the run. Then it rained off and on the rest of the time. Very sloppy trail conditions. Way to get out there and get some miles in!

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