snostorm driveway

Deep Freeze

This week has been full of snow and cold temperatures, and we’re not quite done yet. On Monday we got a little over 9 inches of snow, which made for very poor driving conditions on the interstate. Tuesday I took most of the day off of work and attempted to dig out.

snostorm driveway

It took about 2.5 hours for me to shovel the driveway by myself (Barry was at work). I definitely need to invest in a better snow shovel. The one I was using has a cracked handle that is about to detach from the blade. Also, it’s really hard to shovel a gravel driveway, but I got it done.

shoveled driveway

That was definitely my workout for the day on Tuesday!

shoveled driveway

On Wednesday I ended up working from home, as they were calling for more snow. Sure enough, it started snowing around Noon, and we got another 2 inches. The wind was really crazy, too, and it caused a lot of drifting. There went my shoveled driveway *sigh*. Our road ended up completely covered again, too. It was a complete white out with the snow and wind on Wednesday afternoon. Barry was driving home in this, and actually had to just stop in the road several times and wait for visibility to return.

blizzard snow storm

For comparison sake, here’s what it looks like from our deck when there’s not a blizzard going on:


The dogs had fun playing outside on Tuesday, but by Wednesday they were not too thrilled with the bitter cold weather. On Wednesday night the temperature dipped to -1, with a windchill of -28.

bloodhounds snow
Playing on Tuesday.
bloodhounds dogs in the snow
More playing on Tuesday.

Last night the temperature got down to -15, with a windchill of -30. That’s so cold, I can’t even wrap my head around it! The chickens and Annabelle are doing fine in this cold, cold weather. The chickens have been snowed in since Monday night and have been staying in their coop. We have their window closed and have their heat lamp on.

chickens in the snow
Shut the door!

Annabelle mainly hangs out in her hutch when it’s really windy. She’s got plenty of straw to burrow down in. Before the high winds moved in, she actually did enjoy laying outside in the snow, soaking up the sun. She laid outside and watched me the entire time I was shoveling the driveway. I asked if she wanted to come help, and she said “nah, I’m good.”

calf in the snow

It looks like it’s going to warm up a bit this weekend, and we’re expecting a snow/rain mixture Saturday and rain on Sunday. Then there’s a chance of snow early next week, with temp’s staying below freezing. Hurry, spring!

How’s your weather been this week?

10 thoughts on “Deep Freeze”

  1. Ugh, this weather! It’s been ridiculously cold here as well, with windchill temps dipping into the -40’s! Real temps of -20’s at night. I’m so over winter!

  2. It’s cold and it’s getting cold – er
    it’s gray and white and winter all around.
    And oh, I must be getting old – er
    and all this snow is try’n’ to get me down
    There’s a fire in the corner slowly dying
    sometimes I just don’t feel like goin’ on
    And yet I know it’s more than worth the waiting
    for another chance to see the summer sun
    Come on shine on me

    Read more: John Denver – Winter Lyrics | MetroLyrics


  3. You should have given me a call, we have some good shovels! It would be hard to shovel a gravel drive. The white out conditions on Wednesday were crazy! I was so glad I did not have to go in. The drifting of snow gets crazy and completely “un-do’s” all the work you did. So frustrating! I had been wanting a snow this winter, I think I am good!

    1. It would have been pretty tough for y’all to get over to our house, just to give me a shovel. Too much work involved with that 🙂 Yea it’s definitely good you didn’t have to go out on Wednesday! Yea, I think we’ve all got our fill of snow now.

  4. I cannot BELIEVE you shoveled 9″ off that huge driveway by yourself! You are officially my hero. We pride ourselves in only shoveling (no snowblower) but our driveway is probably a third the size of yours. That definitely counts as a workout! Cute that Annabelle watched you the whole time. And lucky chicks to have a heated coop!

  5. That is quite a driveway. Way to go for attempting it and getting it done. How was your back feeling after? Shoveling always makes me feel sore. At least it looked sunny (?) and Annabelle kind of kept you company!

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