First Landing State Park Cape Henry Trail

I’ve been everywhere

I’ve got a lot of traveling going on this month, both work-related and personal. I kicked off my series of travels earlier this week with an overnight trip to Virginia Beach for work. It was one of those trips where you get where you need to be around bedtime, and are out of the hotel by sun up the next day. Unfortunately, that did not leave me anytime for a boardwalk or other beach-related run. Bummer.

Virginia Beach Boardwalk Neptune

Luckily, I’ll be back at the beach again for work in April. That trip will be a week long, so I’ll definitely be getting some miles on the boardwalk and hopefully on the trails at the nearby state park!

First Landing State Park Cape Henry Trail

On Sunday I am driving down to Raleigh, North Carolina, for the week for work. It looks like my hotel is about a mile away from Raleigh’s extensive trail system, so I am looking forward to checking that out! It shouldn’t be a problem to meet my workout goals this coming week.

Once I get home from Raleigh, I’ll be home for a day (Valentine’s Day, in fact). Then I’ll be heading up to the DC area for an overnight trip to have a permanent crown put on my tooth. I’ll be glad to have that whole saga over with! The day after I get home from that, I have a work meeting in Richmond. I’m driving there and back in the same day, for 8 hours total of driving. Then the day after that I have a work meeting in Roanoke, so I’ll be running back up the interstate. Only two hours of driving that time, though.

After all of that driving I’ll be home for about a day and a half before I make the three hour trek to hang out with my best friend for the weekend. We’ve been needing a girls weekend for awhile and I’m looking forward to it!

Finally, the last weekend in February I have my second trail race of the RNUTS Series in Roanoke on Saturday and Barry is running a half marathon in Roanoke on Sunday. Whew! All of this traveling is by car, and that’s a lot of hours of driving. I always pack road trip snacks. Sometimes I don’t eat them at all, and other times they’re the lifeline that keeps me awake.


I usually listen to audiobooks in the car, but on my round trip to Virginia Beach earlier this week I listened to the entire Serial podcast I’ve been hearing so much about. You can do that when you drive for 12 hours, split between two days. If you’re not familiar, Serial is a podcast (like a radio show) that explores a nonfiction story over a series of episodes. In this case, it’s about a teenager that was convicted of the murder of his ex-girlfriend in Maryland in 1999. He’s still in prison today. I’m really torn about what to think. I found the ending unsatisfying and the lack of facts in the whole thing is frustrating. It sounds like there will be a season 2 later this year.

In the meantime, I think I’ll check out other podcasts that have been recommended to me during my travels over the next three weeks. By the time I make it through, I will have felt like I’ve been everywhere for sure! I’m looking forward to a quiet March. 🙂

Do you travel for work?
Do you pack snacks when you travel?
Have you listened to Serial? What do you think?

9 thoughts on “I’ve been everywhere”

  1. Lots of traveling for you for sure. Ended last year with 75,000 air miles. Few local trips but I don’t track them as closely.

    I usually pack snacks to take on the airplane. I get upgraded about half of the time. In those cases, the snacks can become dinner.


  2. I don’t travel for work, but I do take quite a few road trips and I love podcasts! Kurt recently listened to that same one about the murder. He thought it was interesting and told me I should listen to it. We also like the Moth. A Way With Words is pretty good, too.

    Happy & safe travels 🙂

    1. This week was the first time I’ve listened to a podcast while driving, and I enjoyed it as much as my audiobooks. I’ll have to check out Moth and A Way With Words, thanks!

  3. But how to Hank and Scout and Annabelle and the chicks all survive without you? I’m sure Barry is good dad and all, but they must miss you.
    I’m so jealous you were able to hear all of the Serial podcast at once. I still have a few episodes to go!

    1. They survive just fine 🙂 I doubt Annabelle and the chickens even notice I’m gone. The dogs definitely do, but they get to go to work with Barry which is fun (and exhausting) for them. It’s always fun coming home, because they freak out and have a big celebration.

  4. I’m so happy you listened to Serial! They are working on another–I’m so excited to listen to it. You should also listen to Invisibilia. It’s so interesting! This American Life is always good for long car rides, too. NPR puts out some good stuff!!

    You certainly are traveling a lot! At least you will never get bored w/ your surroundings, right? Enjoy those new trails!

    1. Yea I heard there was going to be a second season! Do you think it will be a continuation of this court case, another court case, or something else completely different?

      So I listened to the Borroughs 101 episode of This American Life and it was pretty rough, haha. Are they all like that!? It was the first American Life episode I’ve listened to!

      1. I am not sure about Serial. I think a different case.

        I haven’t listened that This American Life. I’d give it another try. Some are really intense though, I won’t lie. Others are happier. There is no theme to the show as a whole–it’s all over the place. Each show has a theme, but they are SO varied. I posted this on my blog but I really love Invisibilia from NPR too.

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