Huckleberry Trail

A Sentence (Or So) Per Picture

I just have a bunch of random stuff today, so I’m borrowing a page out of the HRG book and playing sentence (or so) per picture today.

I had a nice 4 mile run on the Huckleberry Trail (my old favorite) on Wednesday evening. It was in the mid-50’s and felt amazing outside.

Huckleberry Trail

Yesterday, I picked up my race packet for tomorrow’s trail race. The t-shirt is cotton, but it’s really soft and I like the simple design! I decided to drop to the 5 mile, but Barry will be taking my place in the 10 miler. I also picked up my age group medal from Explore Your Limits.


We have lots of lunch meat and cheese in our fridge right now, and have been eating sandwiches a lot for dinner.


My track record for traffic on Interstate 81 continues to decline, as I sat in more traffic and doubled my drive time home last night.


But I had a nice surprise when I got home! Awhile back Stephanie offered to send me the training log (my favorite log!) that came with her Runner’s World subscription, because she wasn’t going to use it. It got here yesterday! Thanks again, Stephanie!


Tomorrow is a very special Pi Day! Not only will it be 3-14-15, but at exactly 9:26 and 53 seconds it will be 3.141592653.



Will you be celebrating Pi Day? I don’t normally, but I think I may have to celebrate this one with an egg custard pie! 
Who’s racing this weekend?

10 thoughts on “A Sentence (Or So) Per Picture”

  1. Pi day is for use engineering and math nerds. Didn’t know a scientist of your caliber was participating. Egg custard would be good but I’m leaning more towards a Cheese Cake Pie.

    Been running the rat race all week long. Think I will take the weekend off. Good luck with your trail race.


    1. Well I guess I joined in on your engineering and math nerd fun this time 🙂 Don’t forget – math was always my strongest subject!

  2. I’m not too into Pi Day, but it sounds like a good excuse to eat pie.
    Hope most of the snow has melted for your race tomorrow. It has here. Looks like it could rain though 😦

  3. Definitely cool that Pi day is even more accurate that most years! And bummer about the traffic. When I’m mumbling about us having no good stores and no good trails etc. etc. etc. I remind myself that we also have no traffic!

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