A Little Motivation

It’s Wednesday and that means it’s time for another Wednesday Word linkup, hosted by Debbie! This week’s word is motivation.

Deb Runs

Y’all know I love a good motivational poster, and I love to make my own. I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorites today.

Marathon Motivation


Runner’s World Motivation


Motivation from Facebook (Distant Runners)


Trail Motivation (homemade)


Ones we starred in (homemade)




Are you feeling motivated??

16 thoughts on “A Little Motivation”

    1. That it is! My husband is on the front, left of that one and he’s approaching the finish line of the Richmond Marathon. So the quote is very fitting to the picture itself ๐Ÿ™‚

  1. Found your blog on the Wednesday Word link up and had to comment! I’m from SWVA too! I think a little further west than you but excited to find someone else from my neck of the woods! ๐Ÿ™‚ And I love, love, LOVE the last picture. That’s what I always tell myself when I’m running, ha.

    1. Hey that’s cool! That last picture is my husband (front, left) approaching the finish line of the Richmond Marathon. So the quote is very fitting.

    1. Thanks! I tried to pick quotes that fit the specific situation of the picture (running a PR, approaching a finish line, running up a mountain, etc.).

  2. I love motivational posters and these are some good ones! I just posted one on Facebook that said something like “Exhausting myself completely is the most relaxing part of my day” or something like that. So true!

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