Wednesday Word: Perseverance

Happy National Running Day! What better way to celebrate than to link up for Debbie’s Wednesday Word link up? Click the image below to link up with her and see others who have as well.

Deb Runs

Today’s Wednesday Word is Perseverance. As a distance runner, I can say without a doubt that one of the biggest lessons I have learned from running is how to persevere. Running teaches us so many things, but most importantly it teaches us to persevere, even during the worst things in life. We learn to push past what we thought were our limits and reach new heights. This lesson translates to other aspects of life. Just because something may seem impossible to achieve or to overcome doesn’t meant that it is. I know, because running has told me so.



“It’s like you’re just in this place where nothing bad could ever happen you know?

Like if you just push a bit further, if you just keep moving. . . .

Nothing can touch you.”

-Bridget Vreeland, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants

How are you celebrating National Running Day today? Last year I went for a run on the Virginia Beach boardwalk without realizing it was National running Day, and got a free hat!

12 thoughts on “Wednesday Word: Perseverance”

    1. Half marathons are the perfect balance between a distance where you can push yourself, without being one that beats you up too much.

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