Staying Accountable

Happy Wednesday! Many of us are headed towards a long weekend, the first break since the beginning of 2016. Here in Virginia, we get an extra long weekend because we celebrate Lee-Jackson Day on Friday and then Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday. If you have a long weekend coming up, I hope it’s a good one! In the meantime, I’m linking up with Debbie for her Wednesday Word link up.

Deb Runs

This week’s word is accountable.

What keeps me accountable? Having a race on the schedule, a plan to follow (even if it’s not a formal training plan), a log to write down my workouts, and a running buddy to meet up with. All of these things combine to get me out the door, even on the days when I don’t want to.

Don't Feel Like Running

Having a race (or several races) on the calendar is definitely a great motivator. Although many of us have put 2015 in the rearview mirror, I wanted to take a minute to review my 2015 racing. I made this little pictogram in 2014 and decided to do it again to review my racing this past year.

racing in 2015

I had a hard time choosing my favorites, so I had to combine my favorites with the accomplishments I was most proud of. Hence the RNUTS trail series and the Ragnar trail (both new experiences this year). Honorable mention went to Blue Ridge (a road race that is really more like a trail race, because of its elevation), but I also really had a blast running the Hokie Half with my little sister and loved this year’s shirt.

As you can see, I put a lot of focus on trails this past year, and that definitely leads into goals I have for this year!

How do you stay accountable?
How was your 2015 year in racing?

12 thoughts on “Staying Accountable”

  1. I love your pictogram! Very cool.

    My big goal of running a half in every state keeps me accountable & motivated — extra bonus! I hope to be almost a quarter of a way there by the end of the year.

    At this rate, I could potentially be done in 12 years. Probably not. And I’d be 66 (wow; really?). So who knows?

  2. That’s a cool pictogram! And a great way to see all that you’ve accomplished! Congrats on braving the trails. I’ve yet to do that–I can trip on a flat piece of pavement.

    1. I can (and do) trip on flat surfaces, too. Surprisingly I fall more on paved/flat surfaces than I do on trails. I still fall on trails, but just not as much. Probably because I’m more careful on trails!

  3. You had a great racing year ๐Ÿ™‚ Your sister race was very sweet.
    I like having a race to look forward too so much, it does keep me accountable. I do currently have a race on my calendar next month and I am currently not running because my foot has been hurting. I admit it makes me worry a little, but it will make me go ride the cycle more ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I think a plan of some what keeps me accountable, that and if I don’t do anything what in the world am I going to put on my Weekly Wrap up? I don’t even want to know how much money I’ve spent in race fees. I’ve had a ball and didn’t break the bank so it’s all worth it!!!

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