Oh, The Places You’ll Go

It’s Wednesday and it’s time for the Wednesday Word link up, hosted by Debbie! Each week Deb provides a word prompt for us to write about. This week’s word is adventurous. Be sure to click on the button below to join in with the link up and to see who else is linking up today!

Deb Runs

I’m going to keep is short and simple today. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I guess that means this picture is worth 1,019 words… or 981 if the quote detracts from the initial thousand. Now I’m getting off topic.


Dr. Seuss was a very wise man and ‘Oh, The Places You’ll Go!’ is one of his best books. There are a lot of messages in those pages. This particular Seuss book teaches us about the necessity for positive thinking. Everyone goes through good and bad times, but success depends on how you handle the things that happen that you cannot control. In the end, you hold your destiny in your own hands and you were made to do the impossible. But the only way to get started is to get out there, be adventurous, and see what you can achieve.

What does adventurous mean to you?

18 thoughts on “Oh, The Places You’ll Go”

  1. I read on another blog that being adventurous is pushing your limits. This year I’m attempting to be adventurous by running races away from home. My upcoming marathon (Big Sur) is going to be quite the adventure. Especially after my less than optimal training!

  2. You’ve inspired me to pull that book out, Meagan! And your quote is a great one — with all the things out there to distract us, sometimes you just need to get on with it and get it done.

    1. Dr. Seuss was so wise, because that book is applicable to a 4 year old as much as it is to a teenager graduating high school or college.

  3. I like to take at least one adventure every week. Mostly it is a change in route or maybe a visit to a park that I have not been to for a long time, or some new destination.


  4. For me, it’s anything out of my comfort zone. A new fitness class, trying new foods, just putting myself out there and seeing what happens.

    1. That picture came from a trail run. It was pretty neat… we were climbing and climbing up this trail and then all of a sudden we came out of the woods to find this high meadow.

  5. I love the Dr. Seuss quote and yes, staying positive is really important for every day life and for any kind of endurance sport. Thanks for the reminder. I think being adventurous means different things to different people.

    1. I am running Ragnar Trail Richmond at the end of April! I had a lot of fun at the WV one last year (I also did DC in 2014 and enjoyed that as well). The trails were pretty tough with all of the rain and subsequent mud, but you’ll have a blast. I hope y’all have good weather for the weekend!

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